

Between the large group (5043 Downloads at 29.01.04) of normal users, there are some who contributed their time for the documentation and testing of SMPOV.
These users shall be named here in alphabetical order:




Es ist wirklich ein absolutes Spitzenprogramm, das ihr da entwickelt habt ...

Stefan Goltz, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Prof. Zimmermann, Doktorand der BioInformatik an der TU-Harburg


Werde in Zukunft immer SMPOV in unsere Tests einbeziehen.

Peter Hauser,


I just installed your soft and it works perfectly ... your work is wonderful, thank you.

Armel Asselin


Wow, after two tries, it works very well. This is amazing, I'm really happy I'll be able to use my two processors for long renders without starting two times PovRay by manually.





SMPov at the moment is an excellent proof of concept and I would be willing to join a team to develop from scratch a new client-server system that would be suitable for the small home lan / smp box right up to the big dedicated render farm...

Rick (Kitty5 NewMedia & POV-Ray News & Resources)


Was looking around for a way to network render POV-Ray. SMPOV was great when I first saw it, still is, and probably will be in the future too. I believe it has potential to grow and already has alot to offer. People with POV-Ray for Windows on multiple processors/computers (also Hyper-Threading), networked (wirelessly too, as in my case) or not, should try it.

Bob Hughes


Ich habe mir SMPOV heruntergeladen und nach einigen kleinen Anfangsfehlern auch super zum Laufen bekommen. Da ich Povray für virtuelle Lego-Modelle nutze und in der Lego-Community das PC-Wissen nicht so tiefgehend ist, habe ich mir erlaubt ein kleines Howto auf meiner Homepage zu integrieren.

Ansonsten vielen Dank für diese wirklich tolle Erweiterung zu Povray. Das Tool spart sehr viel Zeit bei der Erstellung neuer Bilder!

Sven Reger


Your feedback is welcome: SMPOV-Feedback

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